Captured Palestinian Authority Document- Letter to Tawfik Tirawi- Head of General Intelligence in the Northern Districts

Captured Palestinian Authority Document- Letter to Tawfik Tirawi- Head of General Intelligence in the Northern Districts

    Captured Palestinian Authority Document:
    Letter to Tawfik Tirawi, Head of General Intelligence in the Northern Districts

    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    Click to enlarge original document in Arabic (p.1)

    Click to enlarge original document in Arabic (p.2)

    Click to enlarge original document in Arabic (p.3)

    The following document is a letter addressed to Tawfik Tirawi, Head of General Intelligence in the Northern Districts, describing the cooperation between members of his security forces with Islamic Jihad and Hamas:

    "To: Brother Director [of General Intelligence in the West Bank, Tawfik Tirawi],


    Re: Information on the [Islamic] Jihad and the Hamas movements in Jenin received from Lt. Col. Staff Officer Khaled Ala. [National Security operative, under the command of Haj Ismail who is head of National Security in the West Bank]

    The source provided the following information:

    1. The Hamas and [Islamic] Jihad movements have penetrated the security apparatuses in Jenin, by means of payoffs, including into the General Intelligence. The source provided the names of some of the people working for the [Islamic] Jihad from among General Intelligence and Preventive Security personnel:

    I. Hassan Abu Nasa/ [General] Intelligence.

    II. A man from the refugee camp called "Sheikh"/ [General] Intelligence.

    III. A man from the operation of force in Jenin with the rank of sergeant major. He served in the past in the "Badr Forces" [of the "Palestine Liberation Army"] and was transferred from National Security to General Intelligence. His description - slight build, his teeth are dirty with many spaces between, he is 20-25 years old and resides in the refuge camp in Jenin. He participates in demonstrations with his face masked, chants slogans against the PA, clashes with the army and receives money from the [Islamic] Jihad.

    IV. Jamal Switat: Deputy head of Preventive [Security] in Jenin. He is in charge of the Jihad and often contacts it and notifies it of the dates of planned arrests against them and who the wanted persons are. Additionally, he supplies arms to the Hamas and to the Jihad and sell arms. The source of the arms is an arms depot in northern Palestine whose contents was stolen. A large number of arms reached an agent from Al Sila [Al Hartiya], called "Taib", who is in contact with the preventive security officer called "Al Rah" and with Jamal [Switat] mentioned above.

    V. The preventive-security officer called Al Rakh: This officer is the source of most of the arms in the [Islamic] Jihad's possession. He purchased for the [Islamic] Jihad movement a long M-16 rifle, a Galil rifle, a 'Zigzor' rifle and a pistol with 16 rounds [in a magazine].

    VI. Abed Alislam Alsaadi: a captain in the preventive-security in Jericho.

    2. The Fatah movement in Jenin "is playing a double game": in the present situation they are on the PA's side, [however] if the PA carries out arrests they will stand against it. The source stated that all the Fatah leaders in the field receive instructions directly from Marwan al Barghouti. The source reported that the acting commander of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin is Jamal Ahweil [known as a senior operative of a Fatah cell in Jenin] and he put Abd Al Karim Aweis [commander of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades] in the front so that he [Jamal Ahweil] should not be exposed. Additionally, the source reported that the one who recruited the General Intelligence operative for the suicide attack in Afula is Jamal [Switat] and that he did so with the aid of Abd Al Karim and with full coordination with the Jihad movement, which took responsibility for the attack. Additionally, Jamal [Switat] and Abed Al Karim are the arms source for the Islamic Jihad movement, since they sell it arms.

    3. The Islamic Jihad pays the expenses of most of the activities that the Fatah carries out. Additionally, the [Islamic] Jihad movement is adopting the killed Fatah operatives. Abd Al Karim Aweis coordinates with Haj Ali Safuri [in charge of military-security affairs of the Islamic Jihad in the Jenin area]. Our source worked in coordination with Abd Al Karim, however, when Abed Al Karim got close to the Jihad movement and started to receive money from them, our source was forced to break contact with him.

    4. Our source received a tip off on the "Afula Operation" attack and knew one of the perpetrators. The "joint operations" of "National Security" were notified of the matter and they in turn notified the rest of the security apparatuses, but no action was taken [to prevent it].

    5. Haj Ali Safuri is commander of the military arm and the senior security operative in the movement [known as a senior terrorist operative in the Islamic Jihad, who was involved in the attack in Afula and many other attacks]. He has at his disposal a computer, disks and a full security archive of all the operatives in the Islamic Jihad movement in Jenin. Additionally, Haj Ali has two M-16 rifles, which his wife hid in the house of her older brother in the Jenin refugee camp. Haj's wife works as a teacher. The source heard this information from the Haj and therefore it should be treated with caution, lest the source be exposed.
    Important: Correct for today there is a dispute between Haj Ali [senior military-security operative of the Islamic Jihad in Jenin] and the [Islamic] Jihad movement. The source of the dispute is money, since Dr. [Ramadan] Shalah [Islamic Jihad Secretary] transferred to the account of Bassam al Saadi [in charge of finances] the amount of 127 thousand dollars, in order to support families of the dead and detained. The sum, which was supposed to reach Haj Ali, disappeared. Additionally, there is a dispute over an amount of 31 thousand dollars [which are] the remaining expenses of the attack in Afula, which Haj Ali did not receive from them.
    The source sees a good chance for Haj Ali's recruitment. The subject was discussed with him and Haj Ali demands a formal position on the PA permanent staff. If this takes place, the Haj will give [to General Intelligence] the archive, the disks, arms, information and so on. His source concluded in the past with Haj Ali that the recruitment will be carried out in the office of General Haj Ismail in Ramallah. If conditions do not allow this, Haj said to our source that he is prepared to be arrested by the PA anywhere, apart from Jenin, under conditions similar to those of Abed Al Karim Awis, on condition that he is recruited. [Comment: Haj Ali Safuri was arrested by the PA on 4 January 2001, but on 6 February he was released from the prison in Nablus, after the Israeli Air Force bombing and returned to his house in the Jenin refugee camp.]

    6. The source confirmed that the operative in charge of the Hamas military affairs in Jenin is Sheikh Jamal Abu Al Hija. The source has proof of this, but at present he cannot provide it. If an interview can be arranged for him with Brother Abu Hassan [Tawfik Tirawi], he would be prepared to provide further information on the Jihad, the Hamas and the Fatah in Jenin.

    7. The production engineer in the Hamas movement in Jenin is Kais Adnan; the production engineers in the Islamic Jihad are Al Anini and Muhamed Tawalbe, Mahmoud [Tawalbe]'s brother.

    8. The source transferred all the above information to his commanders; Brother Abu Al Fatah and Brig. Gen. Faiz.

    9. The source requests to be transferred from National Security to General Intelligence. He would prefer that his only mission would be security penetration into the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad and the recruitment of as many operatives as possible in Jenin or Nablus. He is capable of doing so.
    For your information, the request for a transfer is the source's last request from the apparatus.
    I would appreciate your prompt reply and please advise as to whether to stay here or return to you.

    Abu Aziz
    4/2/2002 "

    Tawfik Tirawi, head of the PA General Intelligence Service in the West Bank, is directly involved in terrorist activities
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